well, this was a productive few days. In between other things, I sewed this tote bag. My friend Pat let me cut into her stash after I admired her bag. this is a large one and it sure looks like a quilter. I have my sewing machine set up so I don't have to put it away each day. One of the ladies here in the park came down one afternoon for an applique lesson. We had gone to a trunk show and lecture at the quilt shop last Friday and I happened to mention that applique was my favorite way to make quilts. Pat and her husband Jim are leaving on Sunday. They do volunteer work for the Lutheran Church. They help with building projects for the churches and will be doing one in Neb. for the summer. Sounds like fun to me.

Virgil and Harold are trying to figure out where to store the woodstove Harold gave us. They took it all apart and even then it was really heavy. It had been the heat source for their house before they moved in and had been sitting outside their back door for the last 15 plus years. They tried to sell it but no one wanted to buy. Lucky for us as we had been looking for a used one for Virgil's cabin. now all he has to do is get it home unbroken and put it all back together. He went on line and got the manuals just like that!! It is a 1983 model. You can find anything on line. Gotta love that computer. Before starting the stove project Virgil and Harold had installed and uninstalled a new hot water heater. Theirs had sprung a leak the morning we were coming in. They put it in three times before being successful, finally no leaks.

As is usual Pat and I attended the Tucson Quilt Guild meeting. I'm lucky enough each year to get to go to at least one meeting. They have the best speakers. The quilts shown were great and the speaker very entertaining. I am astounded at their budget. It had to be voted on, get ready, $195,000. I can't imagine a guild with that large budget. Wow

This I call "sights of the highway. We were on our way to Tucson and I spotted this truck. Rascal Flats all over it. I quickly got out my camera an snapped a picture. As we passed I waved to the fellow driving and got a beep on the horn and a wave in return. Always on the lookout for different trucks. We see some interesting ones.
1 comment:
The Rascal Flatts truck is awesome!! I'm liking that tote too. Nice work Patsy.
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