Thursday, June 7, 2012

Here it is June 7 already. Virgil is off at chain saw certification class. Tish and I had to cut 180 2 ft. squares of weed block fabric for Carole J. for the new trees she planted up to Savanac with a childrens group.  That was fun!  We have been keeping very busy. Last trip was to Up Up Lookup tower to see if  the snow was gone.  What a fun trip. Lots of trees and rocks in the road from the winter. This is a one lane mountain road so passing obstacles can be a little unnerving.  Plus it was going to storm.  We did make it. Some snow banks still left on the sides of the road but doable. They hope to have it open by the 15th for rentals.
 We have many jobs on our list already.  Painting here at the work center.  There is a new bear proof shed to keep the trash barrels in that has to be done. Then more bases for the trash barrels at the campgrounds to be built..  There have been some bear problems already.  We have not seen any this year yet.  Lots of mowing and raking.  We are doing dispersed camp spots in the  mountains.  We have to check them on a regular basis for trash left behind.  That means lots of riding.
 We do have a crew cab pickup this time.  Now we can  travel in comfort most of the time.
 Other jobs are a fence here around the propane tank, signs to erect.  The doors on the garage here need repair.  New boards are needed.  We have to remove the old ones, lots of nails to take out. They were built a long time ago.  The fellows had to get the mowers going.  We mowed for days when we got here.  There is a helicopter area out front that we mow. Think of a big farmers field.  The firefighters use this area to camp in when needed.
The woodpeckers have been busy on the bunk house again. Laurie covered the last hold with a window screen. It works but not very pretty. We'll fix it and paint the repair. The last ones we did  2 years ago are still good.  I think that is an ongoing problem.
Now, every evening the deer have been coming in.  Fun to watch them.  We have seen one elk and one moose on our trip inspecting camp spots.  None here in St. Regis yet tho.  The other day we had to go put up a warning sign about a mountain lion with twin kittens.  She came in close to a girl hiking the trail. That would sure put me in a panic.
Well enough for this time. Hope to include some pictures next time.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

We are all set up in our camp site for the summer. Had a great trip out, no problems.  We made a few stops on the way. We stayed two days at Theodore Roosevelt Nat'l. Park. We saw so many animals.  The park is beautiful in the spring. All green hills. Our camp site was nice, a little tight to get into but we make it.
Also made a stop to see the grizzly bears at a place near Bozeman.  Lucy , the youngest one, put on quite a show for us. She played with everything they had for her from the pond to logs.  Good stop for families.
Now it is time to work, we have already mowed our sites and cleaned up the pine needles and pine cones. No one was on these sites last year so lots to clean up. The deer have been in already.  Fun to watch even if we do see them at home all the time.
Yesterday and this morning we worked on mowing the lawns around the building here at the work center and the heli port field out front.
Now it is time to go to the big swap meet here in St. Regis. We can walk over there so do not have to drive and hunt for a parking space. I think there are a lot of people here judging from the traffic we have seen while we were mowing. Have a great holiday everyone.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Well it is time to pack up the 5th wheel again and be on our way to Montana for another great summer volunteering for the forest service. We will again travel with our friends the Palmers.  That is always a good time.  Never a dull moment with Tish around.
We spent the day going thru closets and drawers trying to decide what to take. Since is can be cold there in June that means warm clothes and the when it gets to be really summer  a different set of clothes.
Virgil ordered a new tripod for the TV dish so he spent the morning setting it up for the first time and making sure it works. Have to have TV.
Now I did more fun packing when I got to my sewing room, What to take to work on? I basted a quilt together last week to hand quilt and naturally I have many other projects to choose from when I need a change of pace.
We are looking forward to going this year, in fact we have changed the departure date three times. It keeps getting earlier and earlier. First it was Friday, then Thursday, now as soon as the Palmers finish at the doctors on Wednesday afternoon we are on our way. Wish us luck.