Well hello again from Del Rio. We made it in and out of Mexico on Sat. with no problems. It was an old town. pretty much what you think of when you picture a Mexican town. Old buildings. small streets, and many people. This is a mecca for people wanting dentists, eye care, pharmacys and stuff like that. There were many street vendors selling food and candy and sweets of all kinds. Shoe shine stands and lots of shops.
We did go to a very nice restaurant for lunch. Our friends are Ann and Elaine. They live near Dolly Wood at a Outdoor Resorts Park and are full timer RV'ers.. Good food and fun for all.
This is a picture of the interior of the Mexican Restaurant. Music also provided with your lunch.
Today was lunch, we eat a lot, at a little place that is only open for lunch. Great hamburgers and home made soup. Nice an warm outside so I'm going out to sit in the sun for a while and then make salsa from all fresh veggies. Tacos for dinner. Food again.
Well, more next time.